And unfortunately, Dinosaur Digs barely changes the way Zoo Tycoon is played. With 2D artwork for only eight directions, the bigger dinosaurs look all the more conspicuous snapping from one direction to another instead of smoothly turning. Zoo Tycoon still looks atrocious at the closest zoom level. With so many new additions, Dinosaur Digs' graphics are certainly different, but they aren't any better. This isn't what the guests had in mind when feeding time was announced. And while these are all well and good, they unfortunately don't breathe enough new life into Zoo Tycoon to appeal to anyone but die-hard fans.

What better way to make your zoo bigger, more fantastical, and more dramatic than to give it a Jurassic-sized infusion of new life? What could be more exotic than a fern-choked exhibit with a pack of crafty velociraptors behind electrified fences? What could be more disastrous than a tyrannosaurus rex on the loose, chowing down on screaming guests? There are almost two dozen new creatures (including some Ice Age mammals thrown in among the dinosaurs), a new set of buildings, and a few new staff members to handle it all. Dinosaur Digs is a great idea for an expansion pack.